Genetic Testing
A simple swab of your cheeks obtains cells for genetic testing that can determine what strengths and weaknesses your body/mind have or possibly will develop. Knowing your genetic makeup can tell you what drugs are most effective for you, which drugs may harm you, what foods are best for you, and even what type of exercise will optimize your conditioning.
Genetic testing helps tailor your therapy to you individually rather than a standardized group norm, identify your risks of future disease that may allow you to avoid environmental triggers, seek early intervention, or plan accordingly.
Complete Men’s Healthcare is proud to partner with two of the premier and reputable genetic companies.
Nutrigenomix is a, if not the, world leader in the genetics of nutrition and exercise genetics and is able to give a 70 gene report on an individual’s genetic food and exercise needs, telling one whether their body is a carbohydrate tolerant to whether they are predisposed to power or aerobic exercise, among many other pearls.
Resolve is a leader in pharmacogenomics, addictive genetics and mental disease genetics allowing an individual to evaluate numerous health risks to tailor their lifestyle and life to avoid certain diseases and habits.