We all know that exercise is important not only for physical health, but also mental and sexual health. In order to control your weight, lower your risk for heart disease, and improve your overall stamina, exercise is important. From knowing the right type of exercise that is the most efficient and best for each individual to maintaining the discipline and time to do the exercise are just some of the obstacles we have to overcome. CM Healthcare helps by combining genetic testing, which reveals your body’s strengths and weaknesses, and the discipline to carry out the program. CMH is proud to partner with Mr. Joe London, a personal trainer for fitness evaluations and to provide in-person or virtual training sessions.
Meet Joe London
B.S. Exercise and Sport Science, UGA 1992
27+ years of experience ranging from Cardiac rehab, medically supervised weight loss programs, training beginners through national ranked kayakers.
Competed in 1998 US Olympic Bobsled trials
Dedicated and driven by the results of our clients